You won’t want to miss any of our upcoming Speaker series on ZOOM. Here are the dates, times, and the names of the speakers for the next 7 months. An email with the zoom link will be sent the morning of.
Happy painting!
Dec. 9th, 7pm. WATERCOLOUR ……. Gord Jones
Gord will demo a winter scene. His demo will be pre-recorded and he will attend and talk us through the demonstration, while answering questions from those attending the meeting. watercoloursbygordjones.com
Jan.14th, 7-8:30 pm. ACRYLIC …….Brian Buckrell
Brian will do a presentation and demo combination. The focus will be on Thinking and Planning. www.brianbuckrell.com
Feb. 19th, 7pm OIL………. Andrew Judd
More information to follow https://www.andrewjudd.com
Mar. 12th, 7pm WATERCOLOUR……….Marc Folly
A much sought after international master living in France, Marc will record a one hour video for us, including a demo, to share his amazing painting and teaching style. Due to his very busy schedule, he won’t be able to join us on ZOOM. marc-folly.com
Apr. 15th, 7pm WATERCOLOUR……..Hi-Sook Barker
Glowing and luminous florals. Hi-Sook will do a demo of Magnolia’s.
May 13th, 7pm ACRYLIC……Jacintha Krish
Composing smaller works… Bold and bright . jacinthakrish.com
June 12th, 7pm Photographic Art – Danielle Barabe-Bussieres
Danielle will demonstrate how she transforms her nature photos into breathtaking art. daniellebarabebussieres.com
Nov. 12th, 7 pm Cityscapes – Michael Solovyev
Michael will demonstrate his unique and exciting approach to watercolours.